Submission #3589740

Source Code Expand

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>  
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
#include <string> 
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;
using ll = long long;

template<class T> using V = vector<T>;
template<class T, class U> using P = pair<T, U>;

#define REP(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < int(n); i++)
#define FOR(i, m, n) for(int i = int(m);i < int(n);i++)
#define ALL(obj) (obj).begin(),(obj).end()

const ll MOD = (ll)1e9 + 7;
const ll HINF = (ll)1e18;
const ll LINF = (ll)1e9;
const long double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433;

vector<int> dy = { 0,0,1,-1 };
vector<int> dx = { 1,-1,0,0 };

template<class T> void corner(bool flg, T hoge) {
	if (flg) {
		cout << hoge << endl;
	else return;

template <class T, class U>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const map<T, U>&obj) {
	o << "{"; for (auto &x : obj) o << " {" << x.first << " : " << x.second << "}" << ","; o << " }"; return o;

template <class T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const set<T>&obj) {
	o << "{"; for (auto itr = obj.begin(); itr != obj.end(); ++itr) o << (itr != obj.begin() ? ", " : "") << *itr; o << "}"; return o;

template <class T>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const vector<T>&obj) {
	o << "{"; for (int i = 0; i < (int)obj.size(); ++i)o << (i > 0 ? ", " : "") << obj[i]; o << "}"; return o;

template <class T, class U>ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const pair<T, U>&obj) {
	o << "{" << obj.first << ", " << obj.second << "}"; return o;

template <template <class tmp>  class T, class U> ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const T<U> &obj) {
	o << "{"; for (auto itr = obj.begin(); itr != obj.end(); ++itr)o << (itr != obj.begin() ? ", " : "") << *itr; o << "}"; return o;

void print(void) {
	cout << endl;

template <class Head> void print(Head&& head) {
	cout << head;

template <class Head, class... Tail> void print(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail) {
	cout << head << " ";

void YN(bool flg) {
	cout << ((flg) ? "YES" : "NO") << endl;

void Yn(bool flg) {
	cout << ((flg) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;

void yn(bool flg) {
	cout << ((flg) ? "yes" : "no") << endl;

int main() {
	string s; cin >> s;
	s = "." + s + ".";

	int N = s.size();

	V<V< int >> edge(N, V< int >(26, LINF));
	V<P<int, string>> dp(N, { LINF,"" });

	int idx;
		char ch = char(int(i + 'a'));
		idx = N-1;
		for (int j = N-2; 0 <= j; --j) {
			edge[j][i] = idx;
			if (s[j] == ch)idx = j;

	dp[0] = { 0,"" };

			int cnt = dp[i].first+1;
			char ch = char(int(j + 'a'));
			string str = dp[i].second;
			int to = edge[i][j];
			if ((cnt < dp[to].first) || (cnt == dp[to].first && str < dp[to].second)) {
				dp[to].first = cnt;
				dp[to].second = str;
		dp[i].second = "";

	cout << dp[N-1].second << endl;
	return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task E - Don't Be a Subsequence
User ningenMe
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 600
Code Size 3166 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 1563 ms
Memory 40780 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 600 / 600
AC × 3
AC × 36
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample1.txt, sample2.txt, sample3.txt
All sample1.txt, sample2.txt, sample3.txt, 1.txt, 10.txt, 11.txt, 12.txt, 13.txt, 14.txt, 15.txt, 16.txt, 17.txt, 18.txt, 19.txt, 2.txt, 20.txt, 21.txt, 22.txt, 23.txt, 24.txt, 25.txt, 26.txt, 27.txt, 28.txt, 29.txt, 3.txt, 30.txt, 4.txt, 5.txt, 6.txt, 7.txt, 8.txt, 9.txt, sample1.txt, sample2.txt, sample3.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
1.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB
10.txt AC 714 ms 40000 KB
11.txt AC 746 ms 40000 KB
12.txt AC 801 ms 39744 KB
13.txt AC 813 ms 39872 KB
14.txt AC 711 ms 40000 KB
15.txt AC 704 ms 39872 KB
16.txt AC 715 ms 39872 KB
17.txt AC 882 ms 40128 KB
18.txt AC 927 ms 40256 KB
19.txt AC 1142 ms 40512 KB
2.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
20.txt AC 1463 ms 40768 KB
21.txt AC 1543 ms 40780 KB
22.txt AC 1533 ms 40768 KB
23.txt AC 1563 ms 40740 KB
24.txt AC 600 ms 40000 KB
25.txt AC 497 ms 40128 KB
26.txt AC 557 ms 40000 KB
27.txt AC 522 ms 40000 KB
28.txt AC 530 ms 40128 KB
29.txt AC 594 ms 40000 KB
3.txt AC 25 ms 2304 KB
30.txt AC 631 ms 40000 KB
4.txt AC 23 ms 2304 KB
5.txt AC 301 ms 20092 KB
6.txt AC 307 ms 20092 KB
7.txt AC 716 ms 40128 KB
8.txt AC 713 ms 40000 KB
9.txt AC 713 ms 39872 KB
sample1.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sample2.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sample3.txt AC 2 ms 256 KB